My good and dear friend Tammy (of Tammy’s Tastings, and if you’re anywhere Ann Arbor Michigan, you should check her out and have her do a chocolate or wine tasting for your friends; and if you’re not, she ships her DARNED TASTY CHOCOLATES all over, just sayin’) is having a birthday today (er, yesterday – but I started the post before midnight, so I think it counts), so I made her a cake!

Sadly, she lives far, far away, and so cannot help us eat it. But here are some pictures:

An adaptation of Dorie's Perfect Party Cake

Isn't it pretty?

Aaaaand, a closeup:

A closeup shot of those lovely raspberries

A closeup shot of those lovely raspberries

And one more, for fun:

Such a pretty ring

Such a pretty ring

Thanks and kudos to Culinography, from whom I borrowed the recipe (she acquiring it from Dorie). I’d type it in and everything, but it’s midnight and I’m going to bed now.  Basically, I used candied lemon peel instead of lemon zest, and replaced the raspberry preserves with lingonberry preserves (ran out).  Other than that, pretty much as written.  Taste report tomorrow 🙂

Happy Birthday, Tammy!